At the CIC nanoGUNE research centre, there was already, on the initiative of the workers, an Equality Commission and they called us to help them analyze the situation, deepen it and plan the work of the coming years. To do this, we took the following steps:
- We send a questionnaire to all staff.
- We did a comprehensive collection of data and documentation.
- We had long individual and group interviews to better understand the organization and make a diagnosis in terms of equality.
Then, in collaboration with the Equality Commission, we designed an action plan for the next four years and defined guidelines for that time period, taking into account the main challenges of the organization. Since then we have collaborated in the implementation and systematization of the Plan and we work closely with the Equality Commission and with the leaders of the organization. Through this process, on the one hand, we have achieved that the organization gives the importance due to equality and, on the other hand, the staff has felt listened to and valued in their opinions.