The Elhuyar Dictionary exceeds 60 million consultations
- The Elhuyar Dictionary has exceeded 60 million consultations in 2023.
- More and more environments can be used in the dictionary:
- Website visits have increased by 9%.
- The mobile app has over 100,000 downloads.
- The contents of the dictionary are constantly updated and the use of an egalitarian language is guaranteed.
The Elhuyar Dictionary remains an inescapable reference, as shown by the large number of consultations it received in 2023: 60 million.
The Elhuyar Dictionary is a living project that has had several lines of work in 2023: the Euskera-English Collins Elhuyar dictionary has been incorporated for consultation, new entries have been added to the dictionary and modified others, and the necessary changes have been introduced to ensure an egalitarian language.
In March 2023, Elhuyar made a new resource available to society for free. The Euskera-English Collins Elhuyar dictionary is available on the web hiztegiak.elhuyar.eus. Thanks to this resource, Euskaldunes who study English do not need to use an English-Spanish dictionary or an English-French dictionary as a bridge. The dictionary has a total of 65,100 entries, divided into two sections: in the Euskera-English section, 31.700 entries and in the English-Euskera section, 33,400.
The number of searches in English has increased significantly since the online dictionary version can be used: in 2023, 37% more queries in English have been made than in 2022.
The dictionary is a resource that is continuously updated; 1,500 new entries have been added in 2023 and 1,200 units have been modified:

In addition to these updates, the Elhuyar Dictionary wants to use an egalitarian language and, to ensure that this is the case, several dictionary samples have been analyzed in 2023: in addition to treating the content with a gender perspective, the discriminatory use of the lexicon and language has been studied and, if necessary, eliminated to obtain a step-by-step dictionary free of discriminatory treatments. This review was carried out at two levels: on the one hand, the entries that can
be considered as discriminatory lexicon have been pointed out as pejorative words (ematxar, maritxu); on the other hand, the dictionary examples have been exhaustively reviewed to avoid gender stereotypes and ensure the visibility of women. In this line of work, Elhuyar has had the collaboration of Laboral Kutxa.

To make all these changes, the Elhuyar Dictionary uses various sources: different corpus, content extracted from other resources, the Euskaltzaindia dictionary and user comments and proposals.
In addition to the continuous updating of the contents, in 2023 the Elhuyar Dictionary has also taken steps forward in the technological aspect.
- Thus, the user can now see the pronunciation of all the dictionary entries on the website, thanks to the neuronal TTS system of Elhuyar.
- In addition, mobile applications (iOS and Android) have been updated, with over 100,000 downloads.
- And more and more computers have the dictionary desktop app.