Elhuyar neuronal TTS
Elhuyar offers several text-to-speech conversion systems on the website ttsneuronala.elhuyar.eus. These are synthetic voices that sound natural and are able to read any text. Today, it offers voices in Basque and Spanish.
At Elhuyar we have created several TTS voices and made them available to users and customers. On the one hand, we have generated voices that are not identifiable, that is, voices that when heard do not refer us to a concrete person. On the other hand, we have also created systems that mimic the voice of specific people, so we also offer the possibility of creating personalized voices.
TTS custom voices are used in the following Elhuyar services: The Elhuyar dictionary, the Elhuyar magazine and the website zientzia.
There are several ways to use the voices available: through the reading bar, the web service or integrating them through the REST API.
More information on the website ttsneuronala.elhuyar.eus and on tts@elhuyar.eus